Two very full weeks
Where to begin? The mission is a constant moving target of young energetic boistrous beutiful young people whom I adore. I love my job. Each morning in that nanosecond we spend between sleep and awareness, I realize I am in Africa, and I am joyful for it (once I loosen up from this pitiful thing they call a mattress). The energy and enthusiasm for life the young missionaries carry with them delights and inspires me everytime I'm with them. They are constantly in motion; losing things, teasing each other, complaining to me of aches and pains, jumping and running and crashing bikes and cars, and filling my heart with each and every encounter. They are a tight-knit brother- and sister-hood, they love the Lord, and they love me! The past two weeks have been full; we had transfers which is mayhem as 82 young people gather all their belongings, mix up their companionships, and move about the mission between two countries... ...