Jwenang Game Reserve
It takes a special kind of grit to receive baptism in a font of icy water when it’s only 55 degrees outside with a stiff cold wind blowing up onto the plateau. But three young women did just that today in the village of Kanye where we traveled for church. We inspected two flats in Kanye as well as visited the thriving Kanye Branch, a small congregation of our faithful. PDay last week was spent at the most exotic sounding but not-so-exquisite-in-real-life adventure park hilariously named Lion Park Resort. We rode the ferris wheel overlooking the dry winter bush… ...the swings... ...and the train... ...and we visited the three sibling lions caged in the park. They're quite impressive even behind the fence. The Number One Ladies Detective Agency book series by Alexander McCall Smith induced me to fall in love with this country, its people, and its culture. We located The Princess Hotel, where Mma Romatswe our heroine of the books, takes red bush tea each Satu...